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Picking My Team

  • Every team is made up of three bakers.


  • Out of those three, each team selects one baker to be the "captain". The captain has the ability to win, and lose, extra points for the team.


  • Each team will rank the remaining bakers 1 to 9; least confident to most confident


  • Submit your team selections in the form below


New Scoring Points in 2024​

  • We are keeping the same overall scoring system in to 2024, but we have added a few new weekly scoring opportunities. These new scores are highlighted below.

Team Scoring

General Scoring (Any team member eligible)

+35 Handshake

***NEW FOR 2024***

+15 Dedicates any bake to family member/pet that has passed on (can happen multiple times an episode/season)

-20 Other bakers have to help finish their bake (commissioner's discretion)

+20 Baker helps other baker finish their bake (commissioner's discretion)

Technical Bake

+20 Team member finishes first
+15 Team member finishes second
+10 Team member finishes third
-25 Team member finishes last (minimum four bakers remaining)
+25 Captain finishes in top three (minimum four bakers remaining)
-35 Captain finishes last (minimum four bakers remaining

***NEW FOR 2024***

+10 Baker says "I've never baked this" and finishes top three (minimum four bakers remaining)

-20 Baker says "I love making this/I make this all the time" and finishes bottom three (minimum four bakers remaining)

Star Baker

+25 Team member is star baker
+45 Captain is star baker

Weekly Scoring

Based on the week a baker is eliminated, they will earn a select number of points. Those weekly points will be multiplied by the rank they've been given in the team selection: Weekly points are:


Week 1 - 1

Week 2 - 2

Week 3 - 3

Week 4 - 4

Week 5 - 5

Week 6 - 10

Week 7 - 15

Week 8 - 20

Week 9 - 25

Week 10 (Finale) - 30

Winner - 40


Baker ranks are worth their corresponding value (9 is worth 9, 8 is worth 8, etc.). Both team bakers are worth 10 points while captains are worth 15. The longer your higher ranked bakers stay in the tent, the more points they'll earn!


Scoring example

Team A ranks Abdul with a 3

Team B ranks Abdul with an 8

Team C ranks Abdul as their captain


Abdul is eliminated in Week 5


Team A receives 15 (3 points for ranking X 5 points for Week 5)

Team B receives 40 (8 points for ranking X 5 points for Week 5)

Team C receives 75 points ( 15 points for ranking X 5 points for Week 5)

Tie Breaker

How many "Hollywood Handshakes" are given out?

If still a tie:

- Total captain points

- Total star bakers won by captain

- Total star bakers won by team

League Fees/Winner Payouts
Yearly fee: $10

Winner - Trophy & 50% of remaining pot
2nd place - 35% of remaining pot
3rd place - 15% of remaining pot
Last place - $10

Payment Instructions
In payment notes, please write:
"Your Name - Team Name"



Team Selection Form

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©2024 by Under the Tent, Across the Pond GBBO Fantasy League. Proudly created with

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